We had a good time.
We first attended this crazy event last year but it was hot and there was no place to sit down. There are six or seven venues where bands play and we quite enjoyed the music and dancing but, being elders, after a few hours we wished we could just sit down. This year we took chairs! We rode the free shuttle bus with all of the weirdos, freaks, and the other children of the 60's. We shopped our way through the forest taking in the jugglers, hoola hoopsters and mimes. We sampled the food stalls and even tie dyed a t-shirt for Burning Man wear. At last we hit the main stage area and found a bit of shade and settled into our much appreciated chairs as the March Forth Marching Band (they're great - you can see um on YouTube)began their rowdy performance. Everybody was jiving, rocking and swaying as the crowd began to move to the music. Just then this guy wanders up in front of us wearing nothing but a kilt. Not your regular Angus MacDonald kilt but sort of a minikilt. I didn't know they made them in the short length but I guess they do because his was short enough to frighten us. (see photo). Sheryl and I looked at each other as with both realized this could be a red alert moment if by chance the kilt was ALL he was wearing. Then to our astonishment he leaned over RIGHT IN FRONT OF US to get something out of his little backpack that was on the ground. My gawd! I mean hanging right there... holy majollie mister, do you know that we can see your... Well I think the word they use these days is "junk." And it was NOT pretty.
I am now convinced that no matter what Sheryl might see at Burning Man she will NOT be shocked!
And NO I did not take that photo!The bent over photo was far enough!
We're impressed that you're going back to Burning Man. You guys are awesome.