Thursday, August 19, 2010


For Several years Grant Pine and I have been planning to go tuna fishing off the Oregon Coast but somehow the summers just seem to slip away and we vow to go next year. Well, I decided that this was our year and got together 13 guys that went out Sunday August 15 and we had a great time catching what was for most of us, our first ever albacore tuna. We caught 28 fish. twenty-seven tuna and Grant caught a shark!
I hope we can do it again next year.

We Are On The Move

In 1976 we moved into our little house in Klamath Falls and for the past 34 years we have fixed it up, added to it, and remodeled most every room. But life changes.
Andy, Madri and the girls are now living over the mountains in Eugene and as of November 23 we expect Tyler and Meghan will be too, if they can find work when they return from their world travels. (Tonight they are in India). We have decided that in our Elderhood it would be wise to live closer to them and we want to see more of our grandkids and their adventures as they grow up, so we have made the enormous decision to move. We have spent time looking for a house in Corvallis where we went to Oregon State University some 40 years ago, and just last week we finally found a place we love and we bought it!
So now we are trying to sell this house and as of tonight I think we have a buyer but time will tell. We are excited about living in a university town with all its cultural, sporting and artsie events. We will again have a life of the mind but we will dearly miss our good friends here in Klamath Falls, but it's only four hours away so we hope there will be a lot of visits back and forth.