Well we took the plunge. Twice. First of all as my eyes age and things are harder to see I finally said "screw it!" and went out and bought a 23inch computer moniter. It's Beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful and I love it!
That being done we went out and... you judge this for yourself.
A. Lost our friggen' minds
B. Joined the "with it" crowd and are now cool technophiles.
During the Masters Golf I couldn't see the hole on the green, I can't read the scores etc. etc. I think a lot of you understand. And...our TV kept flickering to black and white and just wasn't very nice.
So I lobbied my wife that it was time for a big flat modern TV and if we were doing it lets make it HD as well. Agreed! Thanks Honey so we went to Costco and settled on a huge 47inch screen but the kind we wanted wouldn't arrive for a week. The week passed and we returned to see folks wheeling these gigantic TV boxes from the store so we hurried in to find they would be gone soon, but what's this? These were 55inch screens, not 47. I gave her that look and she said, "Oh why not, go ahead." Whata wife. We feared it might dominate the room but it doesn't and I think we are now both happy with it, but the setting it up is way to long a story for today, complete with two Geek visits, marital stress, gnashing of teeth and a total complete feeling of incompetence.
Part of me is now proud of the new TV and part of me is ashamed at my American decadence. (I'm sure Ted Wells would be proud of me.) Oh well. I did it, come watch it with us. We just love visitors.