All who are reading this know Sheryl well so this won't be a surprise but as my brother Dave would say, 'What a Studmuffin".
We are now a 5some as Meghan's sister Ellen arrived Christmas day and we have had a nice time seeing the sights of Rotorua, but hey, it's New Zealand so come Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) we decide to go fishing so Meghan and Ellen could have some sister time.
Before we left home Sheryl announced that perhaps it would be fun to try fly fishing, so we bought her her own set up but she only practiced about 15 minutes out on a lawn. So here we are exploring the Whirinaki River, a river none of us has even seen before and before I even have my rod set up she is whoopin' and hollerin' as she has hooked her first New Zealand trout. Now she did have an expert guide at her side but she was doing all the fishing. As our good friend Barbara Stout has proclaimed, "Any woman can learn to flyfish, as long as it's not from her husband". So Tyler, the expert, inherited the instructor duties and he had one hell of a student. When the afternoon was over I had hooked two fish, Tyler had hooked two fish and The Studmuffin had hooked four! For Real.
She's hooked.
So the next day Ty and I are off to fish again but the three girls are going into Taupo to do some shopping and other fun stuff. I need to insert this little tid-bit into my story right here. Sheryl has an injured thumb and has to wear a brace all the time, thus she thought she couldn't fish and certainly can't play golf. But...She LOVES golf and when they get to Taupo which is on a big lake she spies this Hit-The-Golfball-Into-The -Lake- Challenge. It seems you can drive balls into the lake and if you hit the ball into the gizmo on a target about 200 yards out, you can win 10,000 dollars. It costs a dollar per ball to try. She is injured. Wearing a thumb brace. But hey, one ball only costs a buck so she pays the dude, grabs a driver with her daughter-in-law plus sister watching and smacks the damned thing true and strait....whango! Bullseye! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Studmuffin. They run to tell the dude who didn't see it all and so he gives her the next best prize....a used golf ball.
Somethings wrong here, but hey, she's on a roll.
What a woman!