Today took us back in time. We are after all - products of 60's. So - we went to a protest rally at the State Capitol(Salem, Oregon)in solidarity with Wisconsin workers. We sadly had no cheese heads to wear - but we brought a home made sign and participated - a small gesture - but one small stab at returning our country to the basics that made it such a great place to live and raise kids all these years...
I also stepped back in time last week - about 40 years back in time. Back in the 60's, at OSU, I got involved in some University Plays, and for years and years since then I talked about auditioning for a play in Klamath Falls. But I just never got around to it. I can't believe that 40+ years slipped away and I was still only talking about it - but never doing anything. So when I saw that the Albany Community Theater was auditioning for the Miracle Worker, I walked down to OSU, checked out the play and read it. There seemed to be only one part for an "older women," that of Aunt Ev. Bryon was happy for me to give it a go. So with sweaty palms and heart palpitations, I drove the short distance to Albany and found myself on a stage with a bunch of people I had never met, squinting - with a "deer in the headlights" expression - reading for the play. Needless to say - I was the oldest person in the entire theater and I thought I botched the whole thing royally. The next night we all were supposed to return for the second night of auditions. I decided not to go and just give up the idea, but alas and alack, couldn't do that because I had to go back to return the script I borrowed from the Stage Manager (the OSU copy I had read was different in many ways). Well - if I was going to go back - maybe I would just spend a few hours reading over Aunt Ev's lines and seeing if I couldn't figure out how to do a better job this time. (Bryon, bless his heart, thought I was nuts to give up so quickly.) To make a long story longer - I found out two days ago that I will be playing the part of Aunt Ev. Jumpin-Jee-Hose-Afats. I guess we will find out if I can still learn lines, remember them and say them at the right time? This will be a stretch! It will be an adventure, for sure. The last time I dressed up as someone other than myself was with mixed to poor results, as a member of Cheech and Chong for an Oscar party, as you can see from the photo. Wish me luck. I'll need it.
Congratulations Aunt Sheryl! What an inspiration you guys are!