Lots of news on the moving front these days. Our "sale" in Klamath fell through at the last minute. An older woman was buying the place and it really needs young folks to maintain the homestead and I think her kids finally talked her out of it. That hit us hard but within a few days a nice young couple who reminded me of Bryon and Sheryl circa 1977, found our place on their own and have made an offer and it looks like its a deal but my oh my have we ever had issues to deal with which included a plumber, an electrician, and anti arsenic reverse osmosis water system, a couple of miners who dug out our crawl space, an under the house vent repair guy, dry rot removers/carpenters...the list has seemed endless but I think we are now done!
Hopefully by November we will have a check in hand!
In Corvallis it has begun!
I hired Evan Pine for a couple of days to help with the demolition of our kitchen and two bathrooms. Slegehammers, crowbars, cursing, swearing, many trips to the dump and finally a rented jackhammer and we turned our beautiful new home into a war zone. Fortunately Evan is really good at wreckin' stuff and his efficiency was remarkable. We both worked two days and he must have done 80% to my 20%. BUT....Its done. I'll add photos.
We have ordered up a new kitchen and such and in about two weeks it should begin to get installed. That step will be a lot more fun. Until then we ae camping out here again. Thank god for the microwave.
Mike is outside cutting tile in 100 degree heat, so he feels for ya Uncle Bryon and Aunt Sheryl! Our bathroom remodel is in it's 4th month! Hopefully yours won't take as long. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!