She's Playing With Clay Again
Sheryl stopped potting last spring when I went in for a new aorta. She did a wonderful job of looking after me and I'm pleased to report I'm back 100%. (She says I'm 110% -she ought to be a coach.) Now that Dr. Sheryl is free of her patient she headed back to the pot shop as soon as Fall Term began at our community college where she plays in the clay.
Last year she was very successful creating images of all sorts on her raku pots and this year she decided to try to create some of the iconic scenes of Corvallis on her pots. It's very time consuming but she enjoys it and what the heck, we're retired! Her first project was to do a pot with the classic Benton County Courthouse on it. She really struggled getting the desired colors on test tiles and then finally she threw it into the raku kiln and Wallah! Success!
She also is attempting to throw some porcelain and making little bowls to test the various types of porcelain and the various glazes. She's getting it worked out and the other day brought home a couple of mugs. I really like them so I'll show them off!